696 North Silver Hills Dr., Suite 105 Prattville, AL 36066
NMLS 1312446
Licensed in: AL, TN
AL 79184 | TN 1312446
In her work life, Summer serves as a Business Development Recruiter for a fantastic company, Union Home Mortgage. In addition to recruiting, she also originates mortgage loans for those looking to build, purchase or refinance. She is passionate about people and loves to lead, coach, develop and build relationships with those around her. She feels her career is fulfilling and loves what she does. Summer believes, "It is so rewarding to invest in others and see what they can accomplish." With nearly 10 years of specific mortgage industry experience along with over 20 years of financial industry experience, she is here to serve and assist in any way she can!
In her personal life, Summer is a wife to her husband, Charles, of nearly 16 years. She is also a mother to her two handsome sons. Her oldest son will be 13 this year, and her youngest is 10. She and her family enjoy the outdoors, sports, and working on their small family farm. She loves sports and being active so having boys in her home is the perfect fit. Summer's family is also a homeschool family, and she and her husband love the adventure of being able to lead and teach their children in their education from a Christian perspective. One of her secondary passions is fitness. For quite some time she was a group fitness instructor and led her own bootcamp classes. She is also a certified personal trainer and nutritionist. She enjoys a variety of workouts and loves spending time with her family and friends and enjoying life!